My minecraft launcher is not working?

- in Launchers


I bought a new hard drive and now minecraft downloaded on (for free because the account with which I downloaded minecraft already had it) have enabled the minecraft installer and pulled the minecraft launcher on my desktop then activated but then appears: "couldn 't load launcher core from C: / Program Files (x86) \ Minecraft Launcher / game / launcher.dll: LoadErrorNotPresent "So can someone help me please


You may not move the file, as it will not be found otherwise. This leads to the error message.

Move the file back to the folder you picked it from. Then the problem should be solved.

If you want to have the file on the desktop, then right-click on the desktop. There are then several options there. Click on Create links here. This should now work properly, you can rename it as you like (eg Minecraft, Minecraft Lauchner etc.)

In case it still does not work, uninstall and install Minecraft (right-click on the Windows logo on the bottom right, then select apps and features, find Minecraft, click on it and click Uninstall.

I hope that solves the problem. If not, please write again.


Thank you have done now can sign me up there but I'm not on to be exact: "Sorry make sure you're online" that is in the mc launcher