How do you personally define art?


I recently asked a question on this subject. I wanted to know if building in Minecraft was art. (you can watch them again).
The answers were mostly positive.

But now, think a little further: What is art anyway?

I know everyone defines it differently. And I've already found an answer to this question. But that's why I want to know how you see it. Whether there are similarities with my definition, or whether our pictures are very different from art.

So what is art (for you guys)?


If it doesn't serve any purpose, but you don't want to throw it away, then it's art!

Because it's an art to create something that doesn't help anyone, but everyone wants to have…



For me, art is something that can represent a situation, places, memories, feelings, objects, living beings or thoughts. So playing an instrument can be art for me. Or a painted picture.

Have a nice fourth Advent everyone


Ps: I find your question very interesting and it makes me think about it.


For me, art is an expression of my own soul. That is why expressionless structures called "modern art" are not art.


And old art?


Art connects feelings, whether hate, sadness or the feeling of being free…

The art that you normally do in school and get grades on it is not really an art. If you got a 3 on a picture, it means you did something wrong.

But nobody does anything wrong in art, because everyone associates something different with art. For me, art is drawing freely and expressing feelings through these drawings. And that's what many associate with art.


My definition applies to this.


Then all artists are dead.


Well, not all artists today do abstract art.

Something like films or books are also art.


Yes. This is probably about fine arts.


Is it just about drawings, or can you do it with other media?


What nonsense are you talking about?


Not just by drawing on paper, of course.


Many say that art comes from ability, which you can see in the word "craftsmanship". In the past, artists were just that: craftsmen who mostly carried out commissioned work. That fits your definition well: Art is something that someone builds with a lot of effort and skill.

For many, aesthetics are particularly important - is it beautiful?

For myself, I've found that the content is most important to me. This can best be described with a comparison: A live beetle looks very similar to a dead beetle and yet life or not makes an incredible difference. For me, art has to have that certain something, an inner, deeper meaning, something that is difficult to explain, but clearly noticeable and that sets a work of art apart from everyday objects.

In my opinion, building something at Minecraft is part of the everyday life of many people and at first glance I miss that certain something that turns it into art. But I think there could be many situations that would change my mind about it.

Last but not least, a defense of modern art: it is often misunderstood because it is often no longer a question of skill or aesthetics, but only of content. An example: A bathtub that someone smears with grease is not pretty, anyone can do that and if someone did it now, it would not be an art either. But when Joseph Beuys did that, it was. Why? Because it wasn't about the bathtub. It was about breaking the boundaries of art, it was about not only allowing the elite to make art. Beuys said "everyone is an artist" and thus paved the way for you to even consider that building worlds could be art in Minecraft. And that's a pretty big effect.

That is also the content I'm talking about. In my opinion, a beautiful appearance and a lot of skill are not enough - a work of art tells a story, wakes you up, raises questions and changes something, simply because it is there.

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