Who can help me with a Minecraft mod server?

- in Mods

So I play with a few others on a Minecraft server of a friend. We got all the mods we should pack into our irdber all about Forge. Works well with us all. At the beginning my sister had some problems with her 4gb Ram but now she works with her as well.

Now I want my little sister who also plays 4gb Ram (her PC is better than that of the other sister) When I try to start the game with her he crashes after a few minutes. If I try to extend the Gb to load faster it will not work.

We ask for help.


A complete error log or start arguments would not be bad. Also a few data of the PC and the used Java version (that of MC itself, or another version, which also 32 / 64bit)


Has done, the problem was found. She had an outdated Java version on the pc and she needed a driver for her graphics card.