Mc-Host24 Mod-Server does not start?

- in Mods

I bought a mod server from Mc-Host24 today. The server has 8 GB. Now I want to add mods to the server with FileZilla. Which of the mods are not allowed to be added?

Minecraft Version: 1.12.2

The server runs with Forge vers. 1.12.2 (2768)

Logs and crash reports are below.

Thank you so much!

Mc-Host24 Mod-Server does not start


Mc-Host24 Mod-Server does not start - 1

Crash report

Mc-Host24 Mod-Server does not start - 2 Mc-Host24 Mod-Server does not start - 3 Mc-Host24 Mod-Server does not start - 4

As I said: Hwyla, Not Enough Items, jei and Inventory Tweaks.


Make it easy for yourself: Everything where there's a warning or warning, put it out, none of them are compatible with your version.