After a long time I felt like playing Minecraft again. Since I find normal survival boring, I wanted to play with some mods so I downloaded Forge for the 1.12.2. I wanted to assign then normal 2GB of RAM, I saw that this is already set as a standard. At startup, however, it appears that only 512MB is available.
Here are the JVM settings:
-Xmx2G -XX: + UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX: + UseG1GC -XX: G1NewSizePercent = 20 -XX: G1ReservePercent = 20 -XX: MaxGCPauseMillis = 50 -XX: G1HeapRegionSize = 32M
And here the start screen:
Have already reinstalled Minecraft, the same applies to Java
Who plays this with an Intel (R) HD Graphics 5500 graphics card? It is not meant bad but put at least a laptop or PC with an AMD Radeon HD graphics card.
Maybe wrong profile selected? And I think so
is enough, and this
-XX: + UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX: + UseG1GC -XX: G1NewSizePercent = 20 -XX: G1ReservePercent = 20 -XX: MaxGCPauseMillis = 50 -XX: G1HeapRegionSize = 32M
is unnecessary.
For MC is enough.
From version: 1.14 not anymore!
The system requirements have not changed
Knowing that it is bad, is a cheap laptop. I'll build a smart PC for Christmas
Now there's only 486 mb
Completely unnecessary comment for minecraft enough for the iGPU
Do you have the 64 bit version of Java?
Funny, try it
-Xmx2G -Xms800M