Minecraft Forge NEI Recipes from Minefactory Reloaded 1.10.2?

- in Mods

I have the mods installed and they work, but I can't see the recipes, and the only mod I've found that fits the recipes for Minefactory is> NEI Integration

Anyone know how I can see the recipes in NEI?

I thank you in advance for the help.


Try jei instead of nei. Maybe they are in there (it's the same mod, with a few more options)


Unfortunately no when starting Minecraft is the error that I Lei and codechicken core must install is not at all sunstruck.



yes then grab it and see what happens?


Yes, I've already tried but still I have no recipes for mine factory but all other mods have recipes, for example. Ender.io, agricraft.


Look, if others also have the problem. If so, then I think it is a problem with the mod.

You can also try the mod individually with nei (or jei)