Would this server configuration work?

- in Mods

I've put together a server configuration. I would use this server for game hosting like Minecraft, GTA, Ark, Garry's Mod etc.

Any suggestions for improvement? I heard you don't necessarily need a GPU. If that's not true, please correct me! Thank you!

The confi: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/FQdQVc


Player, number of mods / plugins, desired server settings. All of these things have a huge impact on performance… We need more details


Player for e.g. MC: about 30. I currently have a bungee cord network with 3 servers. Lobby: 6GB RAM Survival: 12GB RAM KitPvP: 12GB RAM Bungyecord: 500MB RAM. The rest is for the system, as I will use Pterodactyl. Each server gets 2 cores, except for the lobby (which only gets one) and Bungeecord, also only one. I can search for the plugin list if necessary.


How do you imagine a server without a RAID capable system?
Can the mainboard at least an onboard raid?

There are definitely cheaper ways to get a server without having to buy the hardware for it. You also have to keep in mind that you do not have a public and static IP address and that it is difficult to make the server accessible to the outside world (i.e. Everything on the Internet: -D).

For 300 euro, I'll tell you honestly - rent a V-Server or root server for a few months or years.

electricity costs
Internet bandwidth (damn 1GBit / s with rented servers! How awesome is that!)
electricity costs
electricity costs
Did I mention electricity costs?
No disadvantages, can be flexibly extended, improved or canceled
You don't have any unnecessary hardware lying around when you don't need it, which you won't get rid of so quickly if you don't have any use for it
Electricity costs? Yes electricity costs: -D Even if mom / dad pays the electricity bill to run a PC 24/7, you will certainly notice: -D
Data security is offered by the seller!
Windows Server OS costs quite a bit if you want to buy it "legitimately".

As a start, I recommend renting a V-Server with Windows Server 2019 for 10-20 euro. You can test it flexibly and see if you can handle the performance. V servers are hard-wired virtual servers on a large machine, quasi a very strong ultra server with an Intel Xeon CPU and a few hundred GB of RAM virtualizes a few hundred server instances that are then rented out. Therefore, V servers are cheaper than root servers. With a root server, you get your own machine rented for you and the hardware is freely available to you. From RAM and co. Nothing is shared with other customers.

So I can tell you a few more things about that, if you are still so fixated on physically setting up your own server with you, you are welcome to contact us and we can plan it as roughly as possible.


First of all, thank you very much for your detailed answer! I already have a vServer, but I thought it would be cheaper to buy my own server in the long run. I planned to use Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) so I wouldn't have to buy Windows. I'm currently paying 30 euro per month. That having the hardware lying around is a good point. And yes, the electricity bill. As you mentioned, they could be quite high. And then there's the issue of bandwidth, we currently have a 100 mbit / s connection, but we will probably upgrade to a 1gbit / s connection soon.


To be honest, I'm pretty new to the whole thing and have almost no idea what RAID is. As far as I know, this has something to do with memory, right? (So SSD, HDD etc.)


250 watts in a 24/7 operation cost around 45 euro at 28ct / KwH.

Now we're a bit generous and assume an average of 150 watts of continuous load: Still around 25 euro / month electricity costs.

Is it really worth it to you?


RAID 1 = data mirroring of two hard drives. If one hard drive fails - the second runs and you can swap it out rendously. Is not absolutely necessary but a kind of "backup", which is not to be equated with a back-up. Data can all be lost even in a RAID1 mirror. If we do that exactly, you need a 24/7 certified HDD. They cost a little more. E.g. Do I still know the WD Gold HDDs. They always cost a little more, but are designed to work with the continuous load.


That's right. I'll think about it ^^ Thanks for your answer! Can you recommend any good and cheap VPS host to me?



You can check your needs there, what you need in terms of performance and what it costs. I haven't heard anything bad from Contabo directly


I'll take a look at it!


Do you happen to have a Discord account? If so, would you mind adding me so we don't have to write about it?