Good gaming laptop (also for programming)?

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As soon as I have a job again, I want to get a laptop, but I said goodbye to the Surface Book 2 for now. Can you recommend a good gaming laptop in the price range of 1500 euro? I could also search the internet but have little experience with all the computer components. The laptop should run games like Minecraft, Garry's Mod, Sims 4 and other games smoothly. (Yes, I have a good PC at home, but I want a mobile laptop for on the go that is supposed to program games and high-performance) As mentioned, it should also be able to calculate games with Unity in 2D / 3D well. That's it, do you have an idea? (And no Macbook, I can't get along a bit with the system)


Surface book 3 xD fun

Take a look at the Dell Xps or Lg gram, etc. Unless you want RGB gaming laptop then I have no plan because they are all whack


There's already a trillion-fold selection. So as a first food for thought, what do you think of that?:


It looks really good, I'll find out more about this laptop.


Please, the more you research, the better you know what you want and what you need and the sooner they can help you. I find it super exciting to individually adapt the needs of laptops, because the selection is so incredibly gigantic. Whether you want something light, something extremely fast, ne extreme graphics performance or something stable, or something that is easy to upgrade and clean, or a lot of battery power - there's simply nothing where I have to say to someone: "No, I can't find that!"

Which gaming laptop? Cheap? lo londynVagabond70
Gaming PC / Computer cheap? Jo Journeejayce
Good gaming laptops? Je Jenson810