In Eclipse, the setTextureName command does not work?

- in Mods

I'm sitting for a few days now to write me my first MInecraft mod. Watch me some videos on YT. So far everything has worked out well created recipes, etc. Now it is an item to create the Lord in the video uses the command setTextureName ("TestMod: ItemTest");

in the brackets I have already tried everything possible that what is above, he says in the video.

Now I give this command to me Eclipse gives me an error message.

As pictures, I hang this again ran.

In Eclipse, the setTextureName command does not work In Eclipse, the setTextureName command does not work - 1

Apparently that works differently with 1.8


And how?


According to, Texture Management has changed in the meantime.

(…) Now on your question. As newton1212 said, texture management has changed in 1.8. In fact, almost everything has changed in the base game. JSON is now used for almost the entire system. (…)

You should therefore look for newer sources.