Tekkit / Hexxit Modpack Minecraft?

- in Mods

I would like to make a mix between Tekkit & Hexxit on my nitrado server. Since I'm more of the Tekkit fan and my buddy is more of the Hexxit guy, we wanted to do a mix. I do not want to clap on 1000 modpacks on it, because I do not enjoy too many mods, just want Hexxit & Tekkit elements.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to put together modpacks, let alone put them on Nitrado & what launcher you then used, so I ask, is there such a mod pack? If not, how do I put Hexxit / Tekkit together in 1 Modpack, how do I do it on Nitrado & which Launcher do I use for that?


Tekkit and Hexxit are not compatible in their original version. But the mods are too old and incompatible.

I recommend you create your own pack. This is easier than it sounds do not worry.

You both get the Twitch / Curse Launcher https://www.curseforge.com/...tch-client

After the first start, install Minecraft.

Go to Minecraft in the launcher and select "new profile". Then the desired Minecraft version, 1.12.2, 1.10.2 or 1.7.10 are best suited for mods. Select the latest version of Forge.

The game will be installed. Click and press "Get more contents". Now you can choose the mods you want.

Here you can orient yourself to Hexxit and Tekkit and choose what you would like. Did you both select the same Forge version, you should pay attention to it, so you can easily install the same mods. You will not find Optifine there.

You should not exaggerate when mods install and in between Minecraft quiet times to start to see if everything works fine.

If you are happy with your pack at the end, you can also upload it to Nitrado.

To do this, install a Vanilla Forge server at Nitrado and follow this guide.


If Nitrado does not offer the appropriate Forge version, you have to download Forge from the official site and exchange the file with Nitrado. http://files.minecraftforge.net/...forge.net/

However, not all mods belong to the server. Client mods like Inventory Tweaks, Mouse Tweaks or Journey Map can cause the server not to start.


Thankfully, very detailed answer, will try this evening.


But the problem with that is, that there's not even half of it in "more content", which should include tekkit.


This is due to the Minecraft version, not all mods from back then are available for the newer versions. And of course there are not all mods on Curse. But is not a problem, if you download the mods of https://www.minecraftforum.net/...forum.net/ you can simply copy them into the mods folder. Have to pay attention to the right version.