Park monsters in Minecraft?

- in Mods

I'm still a beginner in Minecraft and accordingly I don't have a house!

During the day everything is ok, but at night I'm very often killed by monsters, which significantly reduces my enjoyment of the game. This is my 1st night.

I'm more of a build type. I want to build huge towers, skyscrapers, etc.

I don't necessarily want to fight, I just want to build, build, build.

Is there a way to get rid of all creepers, skeletons, zombies, spiders, Enderman?

Is it possible on a console or do you need an extra mod?

Play on the Switch!


Go to settings, scroll down and set the option to Peaceful.


If it is a normal private survival world you can simply change the difficulty to peaceful in the settings then no monsters will spawn anymore


You have to set the difficulty level "Peaceful" in the settings. (In German peaceful?).


Go to the pause menu, then to the settings and there you will find the level of difficulty. You set it to peaceful.


So I would recommend you to set the game difficulty to peaceful. That works without any mods. This way monsters will not spawn, nor will you lose hunger.

Have fun playing and building!