Where can monsters spawn in Minecraft?


Hi, Minecraft Noob here who is playing Minecraft for the first time 😅

Can monsters spawn in my house too? And are there any ways I can keep the monsters out of my house?


Roughly speaking, monsters can spawn anywhere where the light level is below 7. There are of course exceptions such as Nothing can spawn on slabs. With F3 you can see the light level


Yes, so a monster spawns in the dark. That means, as soon as you don't place a torch / light, monsters spawn. If you don't want to be the monster IN your house, place torches. Have fun playing! Oh, they mostly only spawn at night.


Press F3 and you'll get a bunch of numbers on the screen. (F3 again to make it go away.)

If this is 7 or less, monsters can spawn on this block if you are within a radius of up to 240 blocks.