Minecraft block identification indicator turn on again?

- in Mods

Hello I'm currently playing the Minecraft modpack Direwolf20 1.12.2 and there exists a display system at the top in the middle. This shows which block you are currently watching or how many lives mobs have. I accidentally turned off this ad and I do not know how to turn it back on. Does anyone know what mod this belongs and how I can turn it back on?


May be WAILA. Press the 0 on the numpad.


I did not think so, but Waila is not installed on Direwolf20


Probably The One Probe, but you have to look up the options in the options.


If it is not Waila, you should be able to activate it in the settings of "Not enough Items" (or similar). Have a look at your inventory and click through the different settings.

Unfortunately, due to a few years of abstinence in the game, the exact order is no longer present.


We have Just Enough Items… Is that the same