Minecraft crashes when I break down 1 block?

- in Worlds

I have Minecraft installed again but as soon as I break 1 block in survival mode the game crashes. I have already set the graphics settings as far as it goes and synonymous assigned about 2gb ram but nothing helps. Can someone help out there?

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----

// Why is it breaking.

Time: 09/18/19 16:20

Description: Tesselating block model

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1

at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck (ArrayList.java:653)

at java.util.ArrayList. Get (ArrayList.java:429)

at cxj.b (SourceFile: 91)

at cxe.a (SourceFile: 306)

at dps.a (SourceFile: 235)

at dps.c (SourceFile: 108)

at dps.a (SourceFile: 49)

at dpq.a (SourceFile: 48)

at dpd.a (SourceFile: 1300)

at dpa.a (SourceFile: 691)

at dpa.a (SourceFile: 535)

at daj.e (SourceFile: 931)

at daj.b (SourceFile: 564)

at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main (SourceFile: 199)

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

- Head -

Thread: Render thread

Stack trace:

at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck (ArrayList.java:653)

at java.util.ArrayList. Get (ArrayList.java:429)

at cxj.b (SourceFile: 91)

at cxe.a (SourceFile: 306)

at dps.a (SourceFile: 235)

at dps.c (SourceFile: 108)

- Block model being tesselated -


Block: Block {minecraft: stone}

Block location: World: (179,66, -1), Chunk: (at 3,4,15 in 11, -1, blocks 176,0, -16 to 191,255, -1), Region: (0, - 1, contains chunks 0, -32 to 31, -1, blocks 0,0, -512 to 511,255, -1)

Using AO: false

Stack trace:

at dps.a (SourceFile: 49)

at dpq.a (SourceFile: 48)

at dpd.a (SourceFile: 1300)

at dpa.a (SourceFile: 691)

- Affected level -


All players: 1 total; [doo ['lasender1' / 678, l = 'MpServer', x = 179.88, y = 65.00, z = 1.15]]

Chunk stats: Client Chunk Cache: 961, 625

Level dimension: minecraft: overworld

Level name: MpServer

Level seed: 9222422744625546567

Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false

Level generator options: {}

Level spawn location: World: (176,73,0), Chunk: (at 0,4,0 in 11,0, contains blocks 176,0,0 to 191,255,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0.0 to 31.31, blocks 0.0.0 to 511.255.511)

Level time: 9768 game time, 9768 day time

Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?

Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)

Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false

Server brand: vanilla

Server type: Integrated single-player server

Stack trace:

at dme.a (SourceFile: 423)

at daj.c (SourceFile: 1857)

at daj.b (SourceFile: 579)

at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main (SourceFile: 199)


Have you ever reinstalled Minecraft?

Do you have that in all other worlds or just in the world?

Would be glad about feedback.


Yes, unfortunately the problem is in every world and I've just reinstalled


Habs just new.

And the problem occurs in every world


Hmm…: /