How can you do Minecraft Challenges?

- in Mods

I would like to know how to do Minecraft Challenges like BastiGHG or EpicStun. I wonder how you do it so that you get heart damage every time you run a block, or that you only have one inventory space, or that anvils keep falling from the sky or something. If you need a mod or a program for that, I really have no idea.


BastiGHG uses a plugin for this which is written by his dev. He writes the challenges especially for him.

Guess most of them do it with their own plugins because that's the easiest


So should I just program my own plugin for this?


Sure, then you have the most control over exactly what you want.

I think I once heard that the plugin used basti is available for download somewhere. And there are definitely many challenge plugins

but if you want to make your own then you also have to make your own plugins or find someone who makes them for you


I think I'll just program one, I have a bit of experience with that


So you have experience with but don't know how it works with the Challenges plugins? All right.


Basti's Challenge Plugin is called BUtils (Banko's) or MGUtils (mgvpri) which, to my knowledge, cost money, but are updated regularly.


No, I don't mean that. I have some programming experience


You don't necessarily have to make your own plugin, you can usually download it, but I can't promise you that there will be a plugin or mod for your request.