Minecraft treasure map not working?


I have the problem in Minecraft (latest version) that treasure maps do not work for me. No matter what savegame, no matter where I found the card, it is always the same card. The same thing happened in older versions. I'm really at a loss as to why this keeps happening. Has anyone ever had the same problem and knows how to fix it?


You have to decrypt these treasure maps first.
Then you can place the bets


If I'm not mistaken, the treasure cards are similar to a locator card showing your player point. (I'm not sure now.) try to leave your area with an already activated treasure map. It is best to take the direction that is still not marked on the map. If you go / fly towards the border, you will see that the part is then '' discovered ''. Keep flying until the area you have discovered reaches the edge of the map and fly a little further until nothing changes on the edge of the map at the point you have discovered. THEN you activate another treasure map and you have a different terrain.


Wtf you talk


It is not a mistake, it is wanted.

Treasure maps always point to the treasure that is closest (to the box where the map was inside)!

To get another treasure map, you simply have to travel a few thousand blocks and find a box with a map there, so that the closest treasure is now a different one.


No, the treasure maps always show the same terrain, regardless of where you open them. It depends only on where you found the treasure map.


But also in different savegames? With completely different seeds? So far, I was only shown one map, no matter where I was.


I see. No, not there. Since they should be different.

Do you play Java Edition or on your cell phone?


Play the latest version on a PC, but this problem has also existed in older users.


What happens on the map when you fly to the treasure?

Is your white dot getting bigger until it moves across the map?

Is the card colored?

Explain a little what happens there.