Current status in 2020 regarding games?


Hallöle together, at the moment nothing really gets me around when it comes to gaming… Starting with Cod, Minecraft, Gta, Bl2 - about League of Legends, Rocket League, Osu! S4League, 2d stuff and all the stuff you know today. Back then it was just nice to play games with the clan / friends / randoms and have fun in Skype / Ts / Discord. 2020, on the other hand, just looks dull… Nothing new, everything the same, good games are played too little or have a small player base. Everything has to be new, have some BattlePass or be directly p2w. The only game that keeps me going is League of Legends because I have a lot of fun there and can play with others (it also has a lot of money in it). Otherwise I always try other things, but I quickly lose interest. The official question would be: Do you currently have something that you can gamble cleverly, possibly even older things? Play pretty much everything away, be it a shooter, mmorpgs / mmo, story game or nh rhythm game. Mfg Sora: 3


Valorant, WoWClassic, Overwatch, Divinity2, Oxygen not included, Space Engineers, KSP… There are so many nice games…


Hello Morse87! Valorant is hyped, alluded to (get the key on Twitch). It is the same principle as CSGO (already 2000 hours and that is enough, you can no longer have fun with something like that). WoW is the only thing I haven't played all over yet, I should give it a try (I'm currently on TERA). Ow is okay in itself, but somehow really boring after a while. I don't really know the rest, should I have a look.


Mirse87 * I'm sry, typo on my part.


WoW (retail) so the non-retro-game has unfortunately relatively deteriorated now if you see it in relation to 2005.
As a newbie, however, it could be a few hours of fun.
I still prefer to stay with classic, because there are all my "older" companions who are overwhelmed by the retail version.

I think Valorant is very nice, because it slightly pretties up the blunt CS concept and, through the skills, extends the gun meta by many cool tactics.
Wouldn't I write off too quickly in your place!

Divinity is a gem! Unfortunately only recommended for single players.

ONI is a cool survival building game in which you can bury hundreds of hours once you've discovered the workshop.

Space engineers is space sandbox survival. Very nice too.

Kerbal Space Program is a game concept of its own, but VERY fun if you land a crash landing on the hundredth rocket again.


So personally I like to come back from what you call "dull" phases from survival games like Ark, Rust or (not sure if that falls under survival games) No man's sky. You can invest a few hundred hours in between. Mmorpg moderately I find ArcheAge Unchained and Black Desert Online quite nice. I can recommend Apex Legends as a shooter because it is somehow a hybrid of several good games and is pretty fun for my clan and me. Otherwise it would be vlt now. The "Journey End" update is a good time to play or resume Terraria. Because it is the last update, it brings a lot of scope with it and I think I will be able to enjoy it for a moderate amount of time.


Ark would be a good term… Should I gamble like that, I've heard it before. I got Terrarira recommended by so many exactly 1h ago, should I also play?