I had in the net at minecraft and Ts3 dispute both the same person he said he knew my IP I've looked it was so funny at 48 or 84 at the beginning normal way to catch the yes with 129th And he knew Voorher already my place of residence he said he knew him through the ip and I'm at telekomm Bin… Ip found nowhere…
In the TS he can look up your ip address and this can very well start with 84 …
And what is your question? He can't do anything with your IP… An IP is not bad and he can't figure out more than he's called…
Your Droher is determined at the age of 9-14?
Jo haha haste right
And then
Aso Yes, but ewr can't do anything
If he has your IP, then the public (which you can find for example at wieistmeineip.de).
The IP can find the place of residence (only inaccurate) and your provider.
That he has your IP, is quite possible, because that can be found on TS3 and as a Minecraft Server owner / member.
What you mean by 192 is your Internal IP… External ips can go from to …
(before anyone complains: 192 is "reserved" for internal area and most addresses are in company ownership etc) …
For sure? Not me. There are already some things that you can do with it.
So there are already several things he can do
Joa is good… But I do not believe that a 13 year olds DDOS attack on the legs… Therefore, … And if with DOS and various tools routine reboot regulates…
But everyone is exposed to these threats…
IPs can be quite different: generally 0 - 255 each.
Public, e.g., or even
If he is Admin of the TS or Minecraft server, he has your IP.
This changes but usually every 24 hours.
With http://www.utrace.de/ is USA is Africa is invalid
He can't do much with it, if your router, or other devices are not unprotected in the net. At worst, he can launch a DoS attack with Loic, crashing your router. A reboot gives you a new IP in most cases.
I suppose you're both around 13-15 … Then those are most likely empty threats from him.
But he can't do anything with it?
ISso that's 9 or so