Minecraft Plugin Dev Delayed Teleport is not working?

- in Plugins

Love community,

I tried when a user has a command such as / freebuild with a delay of 5 seconds in which you must not move. So far, everything has worked out so well. If I apply the same code again for another comment unfortunately only one of them works. Copy and paste of a code seems to me too simplistic. Guess I can't use the code twice.

Can someone please help me to delete the problem to find an alternative?

Minecraft Plugin Dev Delayed Teleport is not working

I've copied all the code from Freebuild again only SkyPvP is then used instead of Freebuild.


I suggest you revise your question again. Now and then words are missing in your sentences or they are probably wrongly chosen. You should also post code in editable form. If not here, there are also platforms like pastebin.com.


I've created my own list for SkyPvP now it works. Thought it would work if both are on a list but apparently not.