Which permissions file to edit?

- in Plugins

I have a Minecraft server on 1.14.4 with PermissionsEx and want to edit the permissions.yml file. However, I have two of them on my server. One is in the main directory (Bukkit folder) and one in the PermissionsEx folder. Whenever I edit the permissions file from the permisson sex folder, the plugin no longer works. Can someone help me there?


If you are not using a plugin, then the standard permissions.yml

if you are using a plugin, edit the file from the plugin. Maybe you have a syntax error that doesn't work anymore?


That can be good, I don't know exactly how to edit it and can't find a reasonable template


Try Notepad ++. I always work with that. It also shows you everything reasonably.

https://bukkit.org/threads/permissionsex-working-basic-template.90476/ here is a basic template.


Syntax errors too?


No, you have to find it yourself. With lua, for example, it shows me syntax errors, but I haven't seen that with the permission files


OK thank you


Are you sure you should make a server when you're overwhelmed?

You use a separate plugin to manage the permissions. So of course you use permissions.yml in the folder of the plugin.


Ok, thanks, it's just a private server for friends


Oh okay sorry, I always forget that there are people who only set up a server for close friends.

When I hear Minecraft servers and permissions / plugins, I immediately think of public servers