Need help with Minecraft plugin?

- in Plugins

I have the prefix system for the tablist called sTablist. You feel great as soon as I put a scoreboard plugin on it, the scoreboard around the tablist. Is there a scoreboard that is compatible with STablist? I would be very happy.


I don't think it will be easy with the latest plugin version. STablist recently has an integrated scoreboard, but that's still WIP.

This can lead to complications with other plugins. You could look for an option to disable the WIP scoreboard function, or you can see how far the integrated scoreboard is, i.e. Whether it can be used, or you are using an older plugin version


Does the scoreboard from sTablist work with placeholder api? I don't notice the latest version right now.


I do not know that. You would have to do some research. I have never used the plugin


OK thanks