Minecraft economy plugin?

- in Plugins

I have a Minecraft Economy Plugin cocodet and I have the problem when I make / money pay the money is transferred to the player but it is not deducted from me Source code: https://hastebin.com/...vahanim.cs


Maybe with

removeMoney (p, amount);


Could you send me the revised vlt source? Have the problem that it works net still get error messages


I have the problem that when I place the error messages via addmoney


If (getMoney (target)> = amount) {
removeMoney (target, amount);

PS: It is completely pointless to save the money on the player name, because the UUID makes a lot more sense


Does not work then the player who should get the money will have his money deducted


RemoveMoney (p.getName, amount);


Doesn't work but I'm working on a completely new pay command so you don't have to bother thanks anyway and stay healthy.


You programmed it completely confusing and wrong. You can't expect everything to work. I think you don't even have a basic knowledge of Java… The plugin will send all kinds of error messages.


I have basic knowledge and looked at a youtuber called codix how to code something like this. I learned java on youtube from bivieh


I learned Java after a book and how to plugin codins at Bivieh on yt I got the plugin for economy from codix because I'm relatively new when it comes to coding


Every kind of basic knowledge is missing, and I don't believe that you have learned it properly.
It is totally confusing, you forgot to ask whether the respective player is online at all, with the Pay CMD you have to ask whether you are using a number at all, and in the end you have to do} else {…} everywhere


Oh sorry sorry I forgot 😅👍