Minecraft server web interface?

- in Plugins

I'm programming a website that can be accessed via a public domain. However, I still have a small problem with the web interface. Could someone explain to me or send a yt video how to implement the following functions?

Start / Stop button
Live Console
Manage online players
Manage PermissionsEx Rank
Manage ban
Kick players
Plugin upload
Folder access

I Hope someone can help me. The website should run with php, html, css, javascript and the mc plugin if you need one with java.


What you mean is a web interface for Minecraft servers and that has nothing to do with a website.

Just take a look at Multicraft and download the desktop version, then you will get an impression of what you have to be able to do to get something like this off the ground.

Have fun and greetings from katzebiggi


But aternos.org also has a website that you can use to control everything


Of course they have a website and if you rent a server you get into the web interface. You don't control anything via the website. If you have a server there. Then just look at the domain in the browser. Everything self-explanatory.


The domain is completely normal if you work with a router


I don't quite know what kind of answer you expect? Should someone here do all of this for you now?

To implement:

You need a website where you can use JavaScript to trigger any actions on a php backend. Php can then take over things like starting / stopping the server, uploading plugins and for things that directly affect the Minecraft server (OP, kick, ban) you can use RCON on your server and thus also enable a live console.


This has nothing to do with a router. You can also install a web interface in a subfolder and it doesn't matter what it is called and has nothing to do with the actual website. Why don't you want to understand


I understand that but you mean that you can tell from the domain what is wrong. Because such urls are easy to implement with a router and that has nothing to do with a web interface


Obviously you have no idea about the whole matter. What you do with your router is completely irrelevant to your question. Read through your question. Web space and console on one side just doesn't work. It doesn't matter what is behind the url in the browser.


I only answer your nonsensical statements because you said it was attached to a URL and this would be recognized. Which is not true at all. You can't tell by any feature on a normal website. So stop writing such garbage and give me a hand


First learn a reasonable tone. Guys like you should go to school in etiquette. Good day.


Thank you Rcon I've looked at and I'll try to work with it. Maybe you could give me some help on how to use Rcon properly


Nope sorry, I just know that it exists and what it can do. Never bothered about it.


Ok, thanks anyway