Change Java version in Eclipse?

- in Plugins

How can I change the Java version in Eclipse? I have uninstalled everything except Java 8 but it still compiles with Java 9?

Actually, I would like to have Java 9 and 11 on it. For many things

Because if I now a plugin in Minecraft lade says that it was compiled in a newer version of Java (v 53).

Oh and where I'm at it right now:

Why can't I download the Java versions all normally anymore? You have to sign up at once. I'm sure I can remember that it was not like this before!

This is all a bit strange. I've also restarted PC what have I done wrong?

I have

jdk1.8.0_191 and jre1.8.0_191

Would it be recommended to switch to Java 9 for this purpose or would you prefer 8?


In the debug configurations you can select the JRE with which you want to run the Java files.

Since version 9, Oracle has changed the Java licenses. Therefore, these are no longer publicly available to download. Please refer:,3546249


But I have no money to buy Java: /


I have updated Java but my eclipse is now broken


You do not have to buy it. It can continue to be downloaded free of charge:

And if you do not like Java from the manufacturer, you can also access OpenJDK:


Then you did something wrong.


There's just a version and that does not work and I have installed and now my Eclispe is broken. Is that a virus?


Yes and what should I do now?

I have uninstalled the program like the old version


Since you do not write what exactly happens, you can't help you.


Did I write? Was that a fun question?


My eclipse is broken now

, Is not an error description. If you want to learn Java, you should start by reporting error messages correctly.


How do I copy the mistakes? Is there any picture to text conversion app?