We have a private server with some plugins and data packs
Unfortunately, it keeps crashing for no apparent reason with the message:
As plugins we have:
Permission sex
Multiplayer sleep
Vanilla Twecks for rotten meat
AFK DIsplay
Durability ping
In the logs there's no apparent sign of what it is. : /
Maybe someone has a clue
Look what is in the crash reports from the server. You can find these in the folder crash reports.
And according to the manufacturer, PermissionsEx is no longer supported on the plugin website (Bukkit)
Hello thank you in advance for the answer
There's only the Logs folder in the main directory, nothing else
Do you mean maybe?
I still found this:
What is the server running with Bukkit, spigot? Do you have a bungee system on it?
The server runs with the latest version of PaperSpigot