BastiGHG Challenge Map?


BastiGHG is currently playing the Challenge Minecraft to play through in a map made of strips. My question is whether anyone knows if and where you can download / createn the map.


You get the Challenge Maps as a download if you are a channel member on YouTube. You will then even get any map, not just that


I had already seen it, was just a bit (sad?) Because I was already subbeing on Twitch and paying 6.99 euro a month and didn't want to become a member on YouTube.


Uff yes that's a shame. Either you do both or just one. For example, I'm not a sub on Twitch even if I watch almost every stream. But a little tip: If you have a PC, i.e. Desktop or laptop, subbe or resubbe it on Twitch. Because for whatever reason, it costs only 5 euro for Tier 1 on the computer and they want 2 euro more on their mobile phone


I've always asked myself that too


Yes, I know the nice thing was that I even got a 20% discount for Bastis Sub on the PC because it was my first sub on the Acc.