Fields of activity for companies for Minecraft Server?

- in Servers

I've been planning to start a business for quite some time. The (potential) revenue of my Minecraft server should then run on this. However, I do not know what kind of activity this would correspond. Furthermore, the legal form makes me worried, on the form you should specify this namely. However, everywhere on the internet it is clear that a sole proprietorship has no legal form in this sense. Various consultations on the part of the city could not help me in this regard.


To this end, consultations are more likely to be carried out by a suitably specialized lawyer, if I'm not mistaken.

Ichg does not know me, but the legal form may be a civil right.

The activity would be something like "information service provider" or whatever the technically correct language of it is.


YOU are the entrepreneur. YOU are the company. YOU are liable for your business.

You are a sole proprietorship if you lead the company as a natural person and no one else is involved.

That sets you apart from a society. What else do you want?

The legal form is then a sole proprietorship. Which websites say something else?


A GbR requires a merger of at least two shareholders. I'm alone, however.


Yes, that can be. As I said, I do not know myself.


Many sides write, yes the legal form is the small enterprise. This is wrong. What is referred to here is the small business regulation according to §19 UStG (if I'm not mistaken), which ultimately only exempt from VAT; you get the status of a small business assigned and can't choose that in the sense.


Legal form are sole proprietorships, companies, etc.

Tax law is another shoe. Small business or not is a matter of turnover. Can you choose if you make only small sales.

If you really want to work as an entrepreneur and tax law and other basics are not on it yourself, it is advisable to make a pre-appointment with the mortician and let the first 1 or 2 years to be dealt with by him. Have enough people already fallen for the F… Fallen in love?