Funny message from Minecraft server host Aternos. What should I do?

- in Servers

I hosted a free Minecraft server at Aternos a few weeks ago, but now I've got a message that looks like this:

If I have the provider list displayed more precisely, the following "companies" come out. However, I have never seen / read them.

If I want to have information about the companies where the "legitimate interest" is, the following comes up:

Before I click on something, I would like to inquire, maybe someone can help me do the right thing because I'm not familiar with all of the "companies" or have never heard or read them.

I thank you in advance if I don't get in touch with everyone personally.


Moin, if you do not know what something means, it is always better to ask. Well done!

These links are so-called shortcuts. No company names or their websites are hidden behind it. These links go to declarations of consent to receive advertising, to track your surfing habits including the data of your requesting computer. The location is also tracked.

Aternos has agreed with these advertisers to fund the servers. So far so good, but if you click on this declaration of consent, you will be 100% filled with advertising. Most of these providers are based in Romania, Poland, Hungary etc. Unsubscribing from the so-called "newsletters" is completely unsuccessful.

The risk that virus-infected emails reach your PC is quite high. I personally don't click on any shortcuts and companies that use something like that are dubious in my eyes.

The decision is yours and by the way Aternos is not the yellow of the egg. Better find a reputable provider where your server runs 7/24/365 and not only when someone joins with an endless wait and where you are forced to receive masses of advertisements.


Wow, great answer.

Thanks to you, I will definitely not agree, because I don't want to receive any newsletters or other emails.

(I accidentally marked your answer as "Not helpful".)

Your answer was very helpful, thank you for that.


Unfortunately, I do not know any reputable hosters where you can host Minecraft servers for free, because I currently have no money and I do not want to host a server for a fee.


MC4U should be serious I have a server there and have not yet received any advertising.


Okay, thank you, I'll have a look there.


It's good to have a look, but also click the links. If de Serer is not used by at least two different players every day, it will be deleted… Great… Haha. And 1.5 GB RAM, well, just enough for a mini server, but more than 2 players may not be online at the same time. No thanks, that would be too funny for me.


Hey you're right again, I'm not going to visit.


The problem with the free is that the advertising is financed and somehow they also have to get money. So it does not fail that as a user you have to make many cuts. My offer is ready. Can you still think about it?


I'm happy to accept it. Would be really great!


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