Minecraft 2.acc afk to farm cobblestone?

- in Servers

So now it's getting a bit complicated, so I play on a server and also have a second account. I use this by starting a 2nd Minecraft window. My question now is how can I leave this 2nd Acc on the afk cobble generator so that I can play with my 1st Acc at the same time. Before that, I always put coins on the P key (before that I switched the controls) but as soon as I open the window with CTRL + ALT and tab, it stops breaking down…

PS: play on one device with the 2.acc's


F11 for full screen, start farming in full screen and press F11 again to exit full screen. This should lead to further farming even if you don't press anything anymore, you can then minimize the window and continue playing normally in the other window.


Unfortunately it doesn't work: / but thanks anyway.


Hold left click to let him break down the blocks
Press F3+ S
Let go of the left click before it finishes loading.

If you've done everything right, keep left-click pressed.


I just walk backwards. But thank you very much


Oops I mean F3+ S

Minecraft AFK plugin? vi vietnamlegend