Which ports do I have to release for a Minecraft server?

- in Servers

This might sound a bit oldschool, but me and my friends once again had to make a Minecraft vanilla server. Then we came up with the idea I have a not so bad laptop at my home on which we could let him run.

The real question is: I have now created my own server with the Spigot.jar and funktiniert in my network, he also. Which ports do I have to release for it now?

this is in the "server.properties":

Server port: 25565

rcon.port: 25575

query.port: 25565

Server IP: 192.168.1.

Router: Netgear WNR2000 v3

Can someone explain me which and how I must release the haven. I have already on my PC with reserved IP addresse the first port: 25565 Oetzt port: 25565 released in the put on TCP / UDP.


You only need to release 25565. Best still a Dynamic DNS e.g. No-ip so that people do not always need your public IP https://www.noip.com/


Just release 25565. How do you do that you have to check in your router. So in the control panel of your router. There's certainly a point called "approvals". Otherwise you have to give your friends your IP, which you can find under https://www.wieistmeineip.de/. But with a little effort you can make it more beautiful and get a free domain via DynDNS. Then your friends in Minecraft can simply enter MyCoolerServer.DynDNS.de (is an example) and can join it. If you do not do it that way, then you have to give your friends your IP address. It may change every day. Then you have to send them to your friends every day.


A vanilla server also has no spigot.

To make a real vanilla server you need the server software of minecraft.net: https://www.minecraft.net/...oad/server

Then you only have to release the port 25565. I would also recommend No-Ip so you do not have to pass on a new Ip every day and so this is not a number.

To be honest I would not recommend hosting a server myself:

1. No DDOS protection

2. Most do not have server hardware. Thus, the computers are usually not suitable for 24/7 operation

3. High electricity bills

4. Private Internet lines are usually too slow for multiple players

5. Adding up the 4 previous points, renting a server is cheaper

I could pick out a few more reasons, but these are probably the most important ones.


If it's just for your friends, of course, I take my statement back. For the server does not have to run 24/7 and really many people will not even go to the server