How could I promote my YT channel?

- in Servers

What options do you have to promote my Minecraft channel on YouTube?

So far I've done the following:

- Get two shoutouts on every hour with my ads

- Advertise with @everyone every few weeks on all Discord servers I'm on

- Made public on Facebook on all my pages (sometimes 1k followers)

- Advertisement on Instagram (200 followers)

- Advertised on Snapchat (50 followers)

- Google Ads ad served (after one week I was only charged 0.24 euro and I have made at most a subscription with it).

Am also willing to pay money. Budget is currently only 50 euro. But if I can see that it brings neat subscriptions, I can also increase this budget.

You are also welcome to suggest other free advertising options. Can also be annoying commercials. On Ask I also do advertising for weeks. Everyone gets two "ads" per hour from me and is already upset about it, but I do not care, because I've probably made the most subscriptions (running about 2 per day).

Taboo is currently to call me by my YouTube name and put a "YT" behind it.

Do you think there are other ways to advertise? Especially best on social networks and even better in the Minecraft area.


Search agency

Cooperations with other channels

good content / regularity / etc…


For a Minecraft Youtube Channel? Sorry but there are more than you can bear. You'd better start doing something on your own instead of something that millions already feel. So it is no wonder, if one finds hardly subscribers, if one tries to begin something, which innumerable before made and even by good equipment right far developed and which, because it becomes simply lamgweilig, the viewers get lost.


Sorry but Minecraft and good content are a contradiction in terms.


:) yes you are right.