Minecraft German servers or English server open?

- in Servers

I want to open a Minecraft server and I do not know if the server should be English or German, because my YT channel is English, but my first Minecraft servers were in German. I can't decide._.


You have to keep in mind that the English language is represented worldwide - so in the end you would have the higher chance to have more visitors on your server.

That makes sense. Pewdiepie would never have so many subscribers if he only recorded in Swedish…


Of course English because your server is international, which means a lot more players could join!


Since the server location would be important. And what server it should be.

I have a pretty good ping from Germany on US servers. But the people from the US have real problems with servers in the EU.

If it's just survival, citybuild, freebuild, the ping is not that important. Is it more likely to PVP and mini games. I would stop visiting a PVP server if I had a 200 ping there.