How can I transfer my own shields to an Armor stand?

- in Servers

I'm currently creating a Minecraft server. I'm planning to decorate a castle with armor stands. However, I would like to have self-made signs on the right hand of the Armor stand, but I do not know how to do that.

So I need help with the command (because I want to let the armor stand appear over a Command_block):

This is the command for the "Armorstand"

/ summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms: 1b, ArmorItems: [{id: "minecraft: diamond_boots", Count: 1b}, {id: "minecraft: diamond_leggings", Count: 1b}, {id: "minecraft: diamond_chestplate", Count: 1b}, {id: "minecraft: diamond_helmet", Count: 1b}], HandItems: [{id: "minecraft: shield", Count: 1b}, {id: "minecraft: diamond_sword", Count: 1b }], Pose: {LeftArm: [247f, 0f, 0f], RightArm: [313f, 342f, 0f]}}

and that's the command for my self-made shield:

/ give @p shield {BlockEntityTag: {Base: 0, Patterns: [{Pattern: "bri", Color: 15}, {Pattern: "cr", Color: 15}, {Pattern: "rs", Color: 15 }, {Pattern: "ls", Color: 15}, {Pattern: "ts", Color: 15}, {Pattern: "bs", Color: 15}]}} 1

The problem is that I do not know how to put these commands together.

Hope someone can help.


Just give yourself the sign and right click the ArmorStand.

As long as you're in the 1.14, that's because the ArmorStand can carry two items there.

In itself I recommend you to always give me the items right click.

If you want that, I also like to help you on your server, since I know something pretty good (;


Yes, but I switched sides. The sword is in the right hand and the shield in the left and if I right click with the "homemade" shield, the sword is placed in my inventory and the armor stand now has two shields.


Which version do you play on? Older versions do not have an off-hand yet, so you can only add one item


I play on the 1.14