I have a question…
I recently got a ready minecraft server.
and I opened it once the start.bat file and since I closed it accidentally I could never open it again. When I open it, it closes quickly.
btw my spelling is not good
Maybe you should see what the .bat file is doing. So what is in it 🤔 we can't know that.
Fits already. Have my pc restarted then the server is gone again.
In the folder should be an eula text file. Open it and change the false to true
Taskmanager → terminate java process
've already there's no bat file
@echo off
title Server Console
java -Xmx1G -jar spigot.jar
Is true
So just start the .jar file with certain parameters🤔
If this black window closes too fast to be able to read anything else, make a timeout 10 before the pause, maybe a useful error message will appear (in this black window)
The command "java" is either misspelled or
could not be found.
Have to look under java, did not ask
As I could see from the comments you get the error
The command "java" was not found.
This either means you do not have Java installed, or the Java Home variable does not exist. I would try to install / reinstall Java
I have java installed