Bukkit server only starts as a root user?

- in Servers

I have created a server on a vServer today, as I have already done several times.

I created the minecraft server with the user "minecraft".

However, the server only starts if I start the./start.sh as root user. At the user "minecraft" the server starts and stops the server directly again. The screen closes.

Does anyone have any tips?


What are the disadvantages of starting the server normally as root? I do that too, and have no problems with it


What's the point of a bug without a screen? I suspect that the file permissions do not allow the user to execute the file.


Run with root, the programs have all rights and are therefore a security risk. If the server is hijacked, the virus immediately has full system access. This is a problem, especially with game servers, because this i.d.R. Have significantly lower security standards than enterprise software.


Oh, well, I did not know that. Run a game server for friends for ~ 2 years and nothing has ever happened. But thanks for the information!



This is pretty cut off, can you send the whole log?




That brings nothing. Then you can also run it as a root user.


Not at all! Only occasionally distributed root rights, the user "root" has a query group in the program "PuTTY" (If you use this program).


I would like, but closes the screen so fast that you can read only the last line. Just before the message stands./start.sh.

After this message comes but only the error message that crash-logs.txt could not be created and saved player datas + stop server


User rights are assigned to the UID in virtually every case, since a toor user has the same UID, he can do the same on the system. The idea behind it is rather that you can configure a nicer shell with this user independently of root.

The purpose of toor is not to execute programs, which should be done ALWAYS with an unprivileged user.


You can use the -L option to save a screenlog: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/cosmic/man1/screen.1.html



Root works for me too


For unknown reasons, the first error message in the log is not fully displayed, but after some research, it is probably the file permissions.

Go into the server folder with root and run these two commands, then it might work:

chmod -R 755.
chown -R minecraft: minecraft.

The first command changes the file permissions and the second changes the owner.


Thanks, it worked!