Minecraft supporter commands?

- in Servers

I was wondering which commands a supporter needs on a minecraft server so who could help me by answering this question or sending me a link where all the commands are written down


Which commands you choose for supporters depends on your plugins. How to tell you something if you don't know anything from your server. It is also very individual, everyone takes something different. You have to think about what you can do.


Okay thanks, you also know how to ban player chat


A little incomprehensible the question. If you mean how to ban a player in chat this is plugin dependent. At essentials simply / ban player name reason. Read another plugin in the WIKI or description.

If you want to prohibit a player from using the chat, the permissions will be negated. For example, - -essentials.chat. If you have worldguard you can also set a flag for the region with / rg flag regionname cmd deny, then you can't enter any commands in the chat.