Estimated question: How much revenue does this Minecraft server make in total per month?

- in Servers

Estimated question: How much revenue does this Minecraft server make in total per month?


Together with the 3 channels of Skyguy, they made around 25,000 euro a month in their golden days


How do you get that on 3 channels?


Skyguy, Phorx, and that weird Ledevin all have channels


Can already imagine that with the number of players and their manipulative tactics.


Therefore, the income does not all come together in one account. Wilko and Philipp now live separately, so everyone does their own thing. And Devin doesn't do YouTube at all right now. So it would be better if you had some information.


Wilko [server owner] does not manipulate anyone! He only advertises himself in his videos to arouse the interest of the players! But he sure does not manipulate anyone.

Nobody is forced to buy a product in the shop, that's exactly what Wilko always says.


Dura canal OP-Sucht canal and his own on the dura canal are not yet viedeos (still many subscribers)


, forcing is something else.

He manipulates the boxes and encourages them to buy with some kind of sales. Yes, other servers and games do the same thing with the boxes, which is exactly why manipulative loot boxes are prohibited. That is usually. Hard gambling and must not come to children and adolescents.


As I said, I'm not talking about now either, but about the time when they earned a lot (a few years ago). And besides, Devin has started again. Would be better if you could read more carefully


But you didn't say that you were talking about the time from back then. You got it across as if you meant the time right now.

I know Devin started again with YouTube. But you said at the beginning that the income from Devin's channel, from Wilko's channel and his server, and from Philip's channel and his server all go to one account, which is not true at all.

Devin has his own life just like Philipp and Wilko live separately. The two finance their own lives independently from what the server throws off.


But I said "in their golden age". I meant the past. They just earn their money with the pocket money of 12 year old children. They are only now independent of each other


He manipulates the boxes and encourages them to buy with some kind of sales.

Of course, Wilko always does sales in the shop to attract people, so you're not wrong either. But that is the most normal thing in the whole world that an independent person who lives from something like that advertises.

But he still doesn't animate anyone. It sounds like he's promising something you don't get at all. But that is not the case. You buy the desired number of boxes, pay for them, and then get them credited a short time later.

Yes, other servers and games do the same thing with the boxes, which is exactly why manipulative loot boxes are prohibited.

I really don't know where the boxes are tampered with? So it is already so that the probability of what is set is how high the chance is. But what you get now exactly for an item is pure coincidence - nothing has been manipulated or anything else.

That is usually. Hard gambling and must not come to children and adolescents.

Of course, that with the boxes also has something to do with luck. But it is still a long way from being a real game of chance. Because this is not a real money game where you win real money.

You spend real money to get some ingame, that's right, but that's by no means a game of chance in the form you see it now with the slot machines and whatever is not available there.

If you know the shop, then you also know exactly that you have to confirm that you are at least 16 years old when buying or that you have received permission from a legal guardian if you are under 16 years old.

That means if the child buys boxes for 100 euro with the mother's credit card, for example, then the server owner is not to blame, that much may be said. But then the mother.

Because then the parents have definitely not paid enough attention to what their child is doing on the Internet. In addition, there may be a possibility that parents can open a support case so that they get their money back if there's enough evidence.

In general, roaming is not a gaming server because then it would be a USK18 server and there's no such thing in Minecraft.


Certainly there will come together some 1000 euro per month, nobody denies that because you can somehow imagine that with such a large server network.

But you also have to remember that Wilko finances everything himself from what his server throws off. That means he pays the server costs that are definitely 2000 euro.

Then he also has the developers and programmers on the team who have to be paid, and another 4500 euro will certainly go away.

Then he has the costs in the shop and for his forum because behind it there's also a provider on whose server such a page runs that also costs money again.

So, then he also has to pay taxes to the tax office that would be the income tax for the total income and then again a small percentage that he has to give away from his profit.

But then he also has his private life: Rent - electricity - water - heating - WLAN - PCs - office - car - insurance and certainly a little more.

And what is left to him as profit if he has paid all his monthly costs that are estimated maybe 1200 euro, if anything, of which he might want to treat himself to something.

So that's not like some say he's already a millionaire. Such a server is associated with a lot of costs + private life.


, the boxes themselves have not been manipulated, but encourage the purchase of more boxes.

The server would be gambling, the definition of "gambling" is as follows:

Game in which success, win or loss depends almost entirely on chance

There's nothing there about a stake in money.

If you know the shop, then you also know exactly that you have to confirm that you are at least 16 years old when buying or that you have received permission from a legal guardian if you are under 16 years old.

But this must not serve as a defense. The technical possibility for minors to buy something there's available. One problem is that there are parents who do not pay attention to what their children are doing on the Internet (many parents do not even know what kinds of harmful things are there on the Internet).

But I don't know anything about refunds now, because many servers don't do that.

In general, roaming is not a gaming server because then it would be a USK18 server and there's no such thing in Minecraft.

The youth protection law has not been modernized at this point. Minecraft itself is not over 18, so there are no servers in Minecraft either.

This has to do with the fact that only the actual game and no "user-generated content" is classified.
There are already discussions that Lootboxing should be made from 18 or should be banned.


Servers and programmers probably cost so much 😂 we're talking about a Minecraft server and not NASA computers, for which special programmers are needed. The servers cost a maximum of 500 euro a month and the programmers I estimate roughly 3000 euro (if at all)

