Build server (MySQL, Mail, Shop, data server)?

- in Servers

I want to build a server myself for cost reasons. Back then I put together a few normal PCs and now I have trained a little, which is why I feel able to do so.

When assessing which components I should choose, I'm still undecided.

The following should run through the server:

MySQL (JTL Wawi) with only 1-2 users accessing it in parallel (database size below 2GB)

-Simple webshop (JTL Shop) with approx. 100 inquiries / hour (less than 5GB size)

-2 mail servers with 10GB mailboxes each

-Accounting software (Lexware, network version)

-Data storage 200GB

-And if possible a Minecraft server (but is not so important, would be for my little cousin, who would be happy)

-In addition, it should not be fully utilized in order to have a small growth potential (e.g. For a growing MySQL database, another website, etc.)

-Topic electricity: Of course it should use as little as possible (see budget)

Budget: 650 euro purchase + max 500 euro electricity / year if possible

(Everything in RAID1, i.e. At least 2x500GB on Windows Server)

So what do you think the minimum requirements would be here?:

RAM (how many GB + DDR3 or DDR4+ ECC or works without it)
Processor (minimum requirements + maybe a processor recommendation on your part, also with regard to power consumption)
RAID controller (how much cache)
Hard disks (SSD (SATA or Nvme) or HDD)

(I can then take care of a mainboard myself, I make it dependent on the processor)


No, that's not how you want to build it. Not really.

Mail server and web shop run on a server that is located in the DMZ and can only be accessed via the Internet.

WaWi and FiBu run on another server that can't be accessed from the Internet.

And no, no MC server is installed for the relatives on a productive shop / mail server - it should please drive its own server against the wall.


Honest? Rent a server… It's faster, safer and cheaper!