Minecraft Gomme Conquest?

- in Servers

I loved the "Conquest" mode on Gomme. Unfortunately it was removed and there's no such mode on other servers. I know that as a Supreme player you can play private rounds. But how does that work? Do you have to find enough people for a round or is it just like a private lobby where you can only play with Supreme with other Supreme players? If it is the first, are there clans where there are a few Supreme players who create a private round where players from the clan without rank can play? Just a kind of conquest clan. For the people who just want to play the mode.


Vote for Gommehd.net! This gives you VoteKeys and with a certain number of VoteKeys (think 3) you can buy a private server ticket.

Just select the mode and play!

To start a round you only need a friend who can jump to you via the Friends menu.
With this method you even have gamemode rights with the / Troll command.

So you can explore everything very precisely.