I just wanted to ask if it is possible with 2 or more raspberry pi's as a cluster is it possible to run a minecraft server with 16gb RAM instead of 8gb RAM?
I don't know that a Raspi has 8 GB of Ram - so you need a few more Pi's to get this value…
And that in turn is a waste of seeds…
There are really those with 8GB that are more expensive than those with 2 or 4
Well, if you can find 2 with 8 GB of RAM each, then that might work - but it's a waste, because the server only uses one core…
I agree
There are 8gb raspberry pi's then theoretically I would come to 16gb now I just ask myself whether that works to allow a server with 16gb RAM to run or if only the power of a raspi is used as 8gb
Ram isn't everything, even 128 GB won't do you any good if the CPU doesn't do enough and that's the problem Minecraft servers only use one core and as you can imagine the Raspberry Pi doesn't shine when it comes to single core performance
No, it doesn't work that simple, you can't just assign the RAM of one PI to the other.
For something like this to work at all, YOU would need an appropriate software architecture and the server (in the sense of software service) would have to be rewritten accordingly.
Search for "Raspberry Pi Cluster", there you will find a lot. However, you have to read for yourself how the storage resources are distributed. This contribution implies that the RAM can be used in total: