Does a Minecraft server on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B + make sense?

- in Servers

I would like to run a Minecraft server on my Raspberry Pi 3. I'm just not sure whether that makes sense with the 1GB of RAM. (2 people would play on it at most). According to Minecraft, the minimum requirements are 4 GB of RAM. But I've already seen it with some on YT. Have any of you tried it? I would like to know before I flatten my Pi 3 for it.

Here are the key data from the Raspberry Pi 3

1.2 GHz Quad Core ARM cortex-a53
RAM: 1 GB LPDDR2 memory
Dual Core VideoCore IV® multimedia CO processor


No makes no sense, or 1GB ram.


If large servers run on toasters, yours will run on a Pi too.


Should work. The performance is completely sufficient for a server.


Absolutely not

Minecraft barrel model? Cr CrayonRail724