Minecraft error: the authentication servers are currently down for maintenance?

- in Servers

Huhu, the above message has been coming to me for days when I want to join a multiplayer server.

Restart router does nothing

registering is useless

Reinstalling Minecraft does nothing.

what can I do to fix the error?


Then the servers are under maintenance. Can't do it.


No they are not.

As a result, the error is somewhere else and the "error message" is simply not correct.


"maintenance" is usually maintenance work. Do you have the error with every server? Or is it with some? Did you just restart or really "New registration?"


According to the error message, the servers are under maintenance. If this is not the case / error message is incorrect (Höhö) then it is up to the Internet.


Here you can see the current status of the Minecraft servers: https://status.mojang.com/check

red → server is offline
green → server is online


Not necessarily. If it's not with every server, it's a different problem