Java: How to make a tablist for Minecraft 1.14?

- in Servers

In version 1.13 it was still working with my code, but now it does not work anymore, even if there are no errors.

package main;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_14_R1.entity.CraftPlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IChatBaseComponent;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PacketPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooter;

public class tablist {
public static void headerfootertablist (player player, string header, string footer) {
if (header == null)
header = "";

if (footer == null)
header = "";

IChatBaseComponent tabHeader = ChatSerializer.a ("{\" text \ ": \" "+ header +" \ "}");
IChatBaseComponent tabFooter = ChatSerializer.a ("{\" text \ ": \" "+ footer +" \ "}");

PacketPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooter tabPacket = new PacketPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooter ();

try {
Field headerField = tabPacket.getClass (). GetDeclaredField ("a");
headerField.setAccessible (true);
headerField.set (tabPacket, tabHeader);
Field footerField = tabPacket.getClass (). GetDeclaredField ("b");
footerField.setAccessible (true);
footerField.set (tabPacket, tabFooter);
catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
finally {
((Craft Player) player) .getHandle () playerConnection.sendPacket (tabPacket).

Is anyone up to date on this? What was changed?


1) Do a more thorough analysis that will tell you more about the actual history of your program code. Use, if possible, debugging tools for it.

2) A changelog can be found, the responsible developer you can even write via chat. You can also search for API snapshots to check your methods and classes.

3) probably someone has developed a tablist plugin, which should also be functional for 1.14.x. Maybe you can use a decompiler to see how the developer did that.


How do I decompile? There's nothing useful in the .class


Find a decompiler for Java.


Yes i mean how does this work?


Is there no manual for the decompiler you found? For graphical applications, it is usually no more than selecting File> Open> Jar File. Then the files should be in a Treelist or similar. Be reproduced and you can open them individually to read the code.