I have a Minecraft network. Thus also several .bat files. These are of course in different folders. Is there a way to start all at once, with each file having a different folder? So with all at once I start that you can run them with just one batch file. Thank you for your help.
Please write the script below. (Windows 10, JAVA)
You simply copy the start command from each batch with the correct path to a file with each other
Start "% userprofile% / desktop / server / server1.jar" / nogui
Start% userprofile% / desktop / server / server2.jar "/ nogui
Start "% userprofile% / desktop / server / server3.jar" / nogui
Or whatever the command was
I already tried it
He opens 1 server, and then everyone else does not
Enter after each break and look for the error message may be that he then waits until the file is closed again mitfall you have to create a batch file for each server and then control them with a batch file
Just because:
start cmd call / k PATH1
start cmd call / k PATH2
start cmd call / k PATH3
start cmd call / k PATH4
This one he spits in the console at the Proxy / Bungeecord
"C: \ Users \ AMD Server 2 \ Desktop> java -Xmx3G -jar BungeeCord.jar -o true"
and at the sub servers is in the console
"Error: Unable to access jarfile spigot.jar
Press any key…"
He can't find the pledge after the / k
I've tried the whole thing and not even a single start batch has worked
Path should be just as it is, without quotation marks or similar.
That's the way it has to work.
Yes, unfortunately it still does not work.
He opens 1 server, and then everyone else does not
If you make it here, you can do it with / k. Make the path exactly as you did in your previous attempts.