How can I edit .class files?


I have the following problem:

I have a minecraft labymod addon that I want to edit. For this I have to edit the .class files. Is there a way to do this without using JDI Gui? I always do this with JDI gui, so that I then have .jar files that can be edited in eclipse. But how do I convert the finished .jar back into .class files so that labymod recognizes them again? Or is it also possible to omit JDI gui?


Legal, not at all. That would be decompilation, which is prohibited by law here in Germany.

You have to download source code with .Java files. But if you google Labymod source you will also find a lot.


.class is already compiled, there are other decompilers, see Google…

You can also do one. Edit the class file directly, see Hex Editor, but you will need some experience with this and must know the bytecode.


Legal, not at all. That would be decompilation, which is prohibited by law here in Germany.

I don't think so, please post in the law.


UrhG § 69c paragraphs 1 and 2

In 69e there's an exception when decompilation is legal, but this does not apply here.


If he only makes it private and makes the program private for himself, that should be legitimate, but if you publish it contrary to the developer's will, you're right.


No, I do not think so.

If there's an exception in 69e when it is allowed, it means that it is generally prohibited. Here it is again
"Section 69e (1) UrhG permits the decompilation, which is prohibited by Section 69c Nos. 1 and 2 UrhG (conversion of the binary machine code into the source code to determine the functioning of the program), if it is essential for establishing interoperability. "
But this has nothing to do with establishing interoperability (because java is still running almost everywhere), therefore illegal.


Okay, that's right, but these laws are ridiculous, it won't stop anyone from doing it and many won't be convicted of it, so if you don't take action, you can delete the paragraph xD