I have the same problem with every pack. The custom sky is shown only on the top half of the sky. That's a pity, because at bedwars it does not look really good when there's no nice custom sky down there. I have often heard that this problem could be solved with "vBos", but it does not work for me. Other types of "bug fixes" did not help me either. Can someone please help me and explain how I can do it, that the entire sky consists of the texture pack sky?
My PC:
i5 4310u - Intel (R) HD Graphics 44000
4gb ram
Uninstall and install the texturepack
I solved the problem after asking the question😂
the problem was that I had to turn off the sky (as many say). That did not help in the beginning as I wrote. The problem was that I switched off the sun and moon. You have to turn it on