How do I fix the Minecraft Sky / Light bug?

- in Worlds

Hi, I would like to know how to fix the Lichtbug. And although the problem lies in the fact that after using different 1.13 snapshots our world is banned at the main spawn and the sky is also down there and all the caves remain bright because the light goes through (see the first 3 pictures). Thus, no mobs spawn more day and night although the caves become dark at night, as can be seen in the third picture. But if we come in other areas, which are far away from these chunk areas, the problem is not so and the mobs spawn also normal, but the sky is also seen below (see desert images from below). World is running on Nitrado and I've often tried a Chunkfix!

How do I fix the Minecraft Sky Light bug How do I fix the Minecraft Sky Light bug - 1 How do I fix the Minecraft Sky Light bug - 2 How do I fix the Minecraft Sky Light bug - 3 How do I fix the Minecraft Sky Light bug - 4

I would be very happy about help and not have this annoying bug anymore!


Well, I can't tell you, but try it without Resource / Texture Pack that can sometimes have bugged.

Otherwise, I only know restart game but I assume that you have already tried.


Resource Pack is not. And yes, I've already tried to restart the game but thanks!