Minecraft crashes when changing texture packs?

- in Textures

I have the problem that Minecraft crashes when changing a texture pack in 9/10 cases. I've allocated 8GB RAM to Minecraft (16GB) in total. My graphics card is the AMD Radeon FX5700 with 8GB VRAM. My processor is the AMD RYZEN 5 1600. The game is on an SSD.


Does the version fit? The performance is sufficient, actually versions do not play the big role but it is possible, besides, if you use BAC or Labymod the error may also be there.


I used BAC, but got down again. I'm currently using 1.15.2, but regularly switch to 1.14.4 or 1.11. I have the problem with all versions. The texture packs are specially for these versions. (Sphax, etc.)


Hmm why you got off BAC I don't know but you get an error message? Search for this one.


I got relegated from BAC because the game always closes when I want to change servers (for example from Gomme to Hypixel). I have the crash report.


Hmm, contact support if there's one at Minecraft.


I was looking for support, but unfortunately I only found the forum where it was said that I should allocate more RAM to the game or do the "elimination process" for the texture packs to find out which one could be to blame. I did everything, but didn't get any further.


I've had the experience that Minecraft generally has "no feedback" very quickly when changing texture packs. The bigger the texture pack, the longer it stays in this condition. However, if you wait a certain time, it always works.

What size do you have for your texture pack? 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, etc?


It happens to everyone. So 64x, 256x, 512x and even with soundpacks


Possibly. Does your launcher have a problem? Have you previously uninstalled and reinstalled it?

Doesn't it matter which version you use? (Minecraft version not texture pack version)


Then maybe reinstall, think you have to write to Microsoft Support for Minecraft support, but I'm not so sure.


I mostly use 1.15.2 or 1.14.4

Thanks for the tip with reinstalling. I will try it!


I'll try reinstalling, thanks for the tip!


Great, thank you very much, it worked!


Thank you very much! It's worked out!


Wow, iwie wouldn't have helped because every time the support recommended something like that it didn't help XD