Increase Minecraft Command length?

- in Textures

Is there any way to increase the maximum length of commands in Minecraft?

That e.g. Such a command can be executed:

/ give @p minecraft: player_head {display: {Name: "{\" text \ ": \" Botany Books \ "}"}, SkullOwner: {Id: [I; -782235374,1973371383, -1499468950, -126311261] , Properties: {textures: [{value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMWMwNzM0MTIyYThmYzgwYjNlMjE1Y2U1ODI2MTBhNDA1ZjBiYThjMmQ4MmQwNTJiNTc0MTNmMDkzYWU2YTRhZCJ9fX0 ="}]}}} 1

I know that it works with command blocks but I switched off command blocks on my server because I have one somewhere that is always active and I no longer fine it


No do not go.

Is a fixed value of how long a chat message can be.


If you know roughly where it is you can either search the area in spectator or do a command that only deletes command blocks with replace

then you can use command blocks again


If you don't know it at all, you can simply switch it on again, then the console sends a message each time it is executed; the coordinates of the respective COmmand block are included in the front of this message