Why does everyone claim that Minecraft is ugly?

- in Textures

I have heard many times that Minecraft is de-enacted as ugly. I ask myself: why? I can't understand why almost everyone labels Minecraft as ugly just because it has a pixel style. In my opinion, it is an incredibly nice game. Even without a shader or texture pack. I even find the deafault pack at its best. And it just triggers me outrageously when I hear that Minecraft is ugly. The pixel style fits perfectly with Minecraft. There are some new games that look old-looking and have intentionally a pixel style, which looks absolutely not authentic. And nobody says anything…

How do you like the graphics of Minecraft?


The graphic fits the style of the game.

Although the graphics are not the most beautiful in the world but for exactly this game it is the right graphics!


I think it does not matter at all to the graphics. It is a great game because you can let your imagination run wild! Some make gigantic Redstone machines while others prefer to populate the landscape. I've been playing Minecraft for 7 years now and it never gets boring. And for this whole gameplay, the pixelated one is now very appropriate. Do not let the fortnite kiddies tell you, Minecraft is a great game, no matter what your age. I'm currently working in the plugin area and am again amazed how versatile Minecraft is.


Although I'm not a big fan of such graphics, I can't say the game is bad or looks bad. Actually, I have nothing against the standard appearance, but I also like to use other texture packs myself.

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Why is Minecraft so ugly? Ch Chefcultured4012